Captures flow of funds and goods.

Definition: The balance of payments is a systematic record of all economic transactions between the residents of a given economy, for example Australia, and the rest of the world.

Capital: Goods that eventually are used in other goods

Transfers: Movement of funds/equipment - a one way thing

Overview of BOP

Balance of Payments:

The Current Account

Trade Balance (Balance of Trade BoT)

Primary Income Balance

Secondary Income Balance

Capital Financial Account (KFA)

Financial Account

Capital Account

Net Errors and Omissions (Just need to know about its existence)

Also under capital and financial account heading in the balance of payments figures there is an item entitled Net Errors and Omissions.

This is just an adjustment that is made to the figures because of errors in the data.

Relationship between CA and KFA

Current account is always offset by the capital financial account. There is a balance of payments and hence the sum is zero.

When the balance of one account is in surplus (i.e. has a positive value, representing a credit), the balance of the other account must be in deficit (i.e. has a negative value, representing a debit).

Scenario 1:

Scenario 2:

Scenario 3:

Double Entry Recording System

For each transaction in the balance of payments, there is a matching credit and debit entry

For each transaction, there is a matching credit and debit entry

Scenario 1:

Scenario 2:

Scenario 3:

Scenario 4:

Double Entry Table for Success

  Financial (Loans, Dividends, etc.) Real (Goods and Services)
Outflows Debit Entry Credit Entry
Inflows Credit Entry Debit Entry

Factors affecting Current Account

Link by describing the factor. What does it affect? And hence what?

Two broad types of factors:

Cyclical Factors - Temporary factors that mainly affect the trade balance:

Structural Factors – Fundamental factors that mainly affect the income balance:

Cyclical factors are temporary and subject to frequent change.

A Structural factor on the other hand is more permanent and only changes gradually

Trade Balance and Current Account have a positive relationship

The current account was in a deficit for a long time up until 2018-ish because we increased out exports both from FTA and Asia-Pacific development

Savings Investments Gap

Australia has S < I

We take saving from overseas since not enough saving in Australia. (Investment from overseas but not ALL of it is from overseas)

Australia relies on foreign investment not because its national saving ratio is low - but because its investment to savings ratio is high.

The need for a high level of investment means that there is an inflow of funds on the financial account (in KFA) and this increases our foreign liabilities.

The deficit on the primary income account is the result of the savings-investment gap.

In summary:

Covid made savings exceed investment - Before covid investment exceeded savings

Neither CA/KFA deficit or surplus is better, it all depends on the structural and cyclical factors.

For example, Australia’s current account balance will decrease if one or more of the following events occurs:

Negative of current account deficit: If the current account is in deficit because of a decline in competitiveness, then you are falling behind in productivity, and innovation.