Macroeconomic Model only

Assumption: Assume I G X are not influenced by domestic income

!!! Any AE disequilibrium model requiring questions: mention inventories. !!!

!!! Shifts of AE model: Mention Multiplier !!!

The AE Model: The Consumption Function

The Keynesian expenditure model is based on the relationship between the level of disposable income received by households and the level of consumption and saving.

Assumption: Y= C + S, Income = Consumption + Savings

Y-axis: Consumption Spending, X-axis: Disposable Spending

The 45 degree line is equidistant between the two axes and thus shows all possible points where planned expenditure equals total income

At a point higher than the equilibrium, savings is positive

At a point lower than hte equilibrium, savings is negative

\[C = a + bY\]

The right hand side of the equation has two parts.

If the equation is C = 60 + 0.6Y

The AE Model: The Financial Sector

At an income level of 400 billion dollars for example planned (total C+I) spending equals 360 billion dollars.

On the other hand, if the level of income was 200 billion dollars (below equilibrium level) total planned spending would be equal 240 billion dollars.

Equilibrium? Doesn’t tell you anything about the whole economy. Don’t link to the macroeconomic indicators.

Full AE Model - Disequilibrium - Y≠Ex

M and C is upward sloping. I G X are flat, and are assumed to be unaffected by income.

Income = Expenditure = Output (May seem the same but need to distinguish the difference)

Disequilibrium Graph

AE models meet the definition of equilibrium - no tendency for change in the levels of income or output at that point in time.

“In this diagram, equilibrium occurs when total spending equals total output”

At a lower level of income than the equilibrium such as Y1 planned spending is greater than output and there is a decrease in inventories

At a higher income level like Y2, planned spending is now less than output so that there is an increase in inventories.