What is Price Elasticity?

Price Elasticity is how responsive we are to certain changes in price of goods.

Price Elasticity of Demand

This can be measured by:

Or can be measured by:

Types of Price Elasticity

Elasticity Elasticity Co-efficient Interpretation
Price Elastic E > 1 Change in supply is greater than change in price
Price Inelastic E < 1 Change in supply is less than change in price
Perfectly Elastic E = ∞ Change in price results in no supply
Perfectly Inelastic E = 0 Change in price results in no change in supply
Unitary Elastic E = 1 Change in supply is equal to than change in price

Price Elastic

Price Inelastic

Perfectly Elastic

Perfectly Inelastic

Unitary Elastic

Factors that affect PED (Price Elasticity of Demand)

Factors that affect PES (Price Elasticity of Supply)