Common Property Resources and Public Goods


Private Goods

Club Goods

Common Property Resources

Public Goods

To try to prevent these Market Failures…

With common property goods

With public goods

Merit Goods: Goods that are produced that have large external benefits for society

Demerit Goods: Goods that are produced that have large external costs for society

Merit and Demerit goods are both Private goods as they are both rivalry and exclusive


Key concepts to know:

Externalities occur when the production or consumption of a good/service cause external costs and/or external benefits to a third party.

Externalities cause market failure if the price mechanism does not take into account the social costs and benefits of production and consumption.

Negative Externalities

Occurs when production and/or consumption creates an external cost.

Causes overconsumption/production

Negative Production Externality:

Negative Consumption Externality:

Positive Externalities

External Benefits if consumption or production for third parties

Causes underconsumption/production

Positive Consumption Externality:

Positive Production Externality:

Policies to Correct Externalities


  1. Negative Production
    • Limits on production, pollutants and change methods of production
    • Tax -> Shift MPC towards MSC
  2. Negative Consumption
    • Legislation / Advertising -> Shift MPB towards MSB (Decrease Demand)
    • Indirect Tax -> Shift supply curve + tax (reaches optimum quantity but increased price compared to optimum)
  3. Positive Production
    • Direct Government Provision -> MPC towards MSC (increases in supply)
    • Subsidy -> Size of marginal external benefit internalizing it (MPC to MSC)
  4. Positive Consumption
    • Legislation -> Increase consumption
    • Advertising -> Increase consumption
    • Government Provision -> Shift S + provision shifts to Qo
    • Subsidy -> Doesn’t impact demand, s + subsidy towards Qo and lowered price

In-Depth Explanations

The Types of Policy Options:

  1. Regulation/Legislation (By the government)
  2. Market Based approaches (taxes and subsidies)

Negative Production Externalities (Government Regulation)

Negative Production Externalities (Taxes)

Negative Consumption Externalities (Government Regulation & Advertisments)

Negative Consumption Externalities (Taxes)

Positive Production Externalities (Government Regulation)

Positive Production Externalities (Subsidies)

Positive Consumption Externalities (Legislation/Advertising)

Positive Consumption Externalities (Government Provision)

Positive Consumption Externalities (Subsidies)