This is the checklist/main points to memorise for Economics Year 11 Final Exam. Of course, I have removed many extra details which you can access in the specific sections. As well as that, there are very big parts that would be too hard to summarise so there may be some sections of the course missing. This is what I think are the MAIN points that should be memorised. Good luck with your exam!

Non Price Factors

Determinants of Price Elasticity

Common Property Resources & Public Goods

Private Goods

Club Goods

Common Property Resources

Public Goods

Definitions :0 (For Economic Indicators)

Economic Growth: An increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services over time.

  1. Potential Growth: The rate of increase in the capacity of the economy to satisfy the needs and wants of people in an economy
  2. Actual Growth: The rate of change in real gross domestic product over a given period of time.

Inflation: Persistent and appreciable rise in the general or average level of prices over time.

Unemployment: Refers to the people who are willing and able to work but cannot find a job.

Economic Growth

The Benefits, Costs and Limitations of Economic Growth




Determinants of Economic Growth

Potential Growth:

Actual Growth:

Nominal GDP vs Real GDP???


Demand Pull Inflation

Cost Push Inflation

The Benefits, Costs and Limitations of Inflation





Cyclical Unemployment

Structural Unemployment

Frictional Unemployment

Impacts of Unemployment

Government Policy Objectives

Sustainable Economic Growth

Price Stability

Full Employment

Equitable Income Distribution

Income & Wealth

Income: Receipt of spending power by persons, and is the flow of funds.

Wealth: Stock of assets held minus the liabilities.

Types of Income

  1. Private Income: Income earnt as an employee/self-employed person
  2. Gross Income: Private income plus government transfer payments
  3. Disposable Income: Gross income minus tax
  4. Final Income: Disposable income and any indirect government benefit.

Factors of Income Distribution

Personal Traits

Occupational Conditions


Other Factors


Just go to the tax page :) Too much to write