Chapter 7…

Target for GDP: 3 - 4%

Definition: An increase in capacity of an economy to produce goods and services over time.

  1. Potential Growth: The rate of increase in the capacity of the economy to satisfy the needs and wants of people in an economy
  2. Actual Growth: The rate of change in real gross domestic product over a given period of time.

This relates to Australia’s macroeconomic objective of sustainable economic growth.

PPF Model (Production Possibility Frontier)


Actual Growth

If economy is operating inside the PPF, and produces more as a result of using previously unemployed resources, or using resources more efficiently, this is referred to as actual growth.

Potential Growth

The productivity potential of an economy may be increased by an increase in the quality and/or quality of resources and, when this occurs, this is known as potential growth.

Measuring Economic Growth

The economic growth rate is the rate of change in GDP

GDP: The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a certain time period


\[\frac{GDP_{yr2}\space - GDP_{yr1}}{GDP_{yr1}}*100\]

Types of GDP:

Limitations of GDP:

Determinants of Economic Growth

Growth can come from both:

Determinants of Potential Growth

Population Growth:

Labour Force Participation

Rising Labour Productivity

Multi-factor Productivity: All other factors that improve worker’s ability to produce goods and services (not capita)

Determinants of Actual Growth

Anything that affects spending:

Benefits and Costs of Economic Growth

